Post by M~Apollo on Jun 23, 2017 13:20:28 GMT
Aeromancy - observes pictures and patterns in clouds as predictive omens.
Alectromancy - uses letters inscribed in a circle, selected by rooster pecking grain.
Aleuromancy - uses coins, tokens or random messages baked in dough. (Fortune Cookie)
Amniomancy - is divination by using the membranous sac surrounding a newborn baby.
Anthropomancy - examination of human remains (particularly vital organs) for prediction.
Anthroposcopy - is divination by observing facial features.
Apanto - (to meet) finds predictive omens by meeting certain animals ect.
Apantomancy - (Babylon) by colors of dogs, wandering in palace or temple. as: Black Cat crossing path)
Arithmancy - is divination by the formulations of numbers.
Astragalomancy - interprets anklebones of sheep tossed on the ground.
Astragyromancy - bone casting of 27 bones with symbols inscribed.
Astrology - uses the placement of planets and stars at a persons time of birth and charts planetary movement throughout their lives for predictions.
Atramentamancy - (Scrying) using Ink, in a bowl, or cupped in the hand for divination.
Augury - general term for forms of divination using behavior of birds.
Auspices the collections of symbols or signs examined in augury.
Austromancy - is divination from sounds and patterns of wind.
Autonography automatic writing, done using a sliding device or planchette.
Axinomancy - balances an agate on a hot stone or axe head, divining from location it drops.
Bao - uses stopping point made during inquiry, of cylinders slid down a grooved wet board.
Baru "seeing" comes from the seer "reaching hand into a sacrificial beast".
Belomancy - is divination by observing placement of dropped sticks or arrows.
Bibliomancy - is divination by turning to random book passages.
Biorhythm - uses a chart based on cycles of fixed time periods of time from birth to demonstrate specific attributes of the individual for individual time constructs.
Bisba - uses divinatory examination of female breasts.
Bletonism - divines by observing swirling currents of water.
Botanomancy - numerous kinds of divination by using (sometimes boiled) vegetation.
Bya-rog-kyi-kad-tag-pa - (Tibet) studies direction & cawing of crows (divine messengers)
Capnomancy - uses the shapes and direction of smoke rising from burning cedar shavings.
Captromancy - uses a poppy flowerbud burn on hot coals for predictions.
Cartomancy - is divination by using ordinary playing cards.
Catoptromancy - mirror scrying to bring divinatory visions.
Causimomancy - divination using burned objects, particularly plants.
Cephalomancy - Examines the boiled skull of an animal particularly goat or Donkey.
Ceraunoscopy - study of patterns of lightning for predictions.
Ceromancy - is divination by wax dropped into water, uses traditional red candle.
Chaio-pai - tossing of Two curved bamboo blocks, for predictions.
Chalcomancy - interpreting the sounds of striking metal (particularly copper or brass bowls.
Chirognomy - is divination by the hands aspects (palmistry) following practitioner Cheiro.
Clacking - is divination from the echos of "clacking" stones together.
Clairaudience - is hearing outside the normal range (ultra frequency) sound.
Clairvoyance - receives information from extra-sensory perception.
Cledonomancy - is divination by chance remarks or events.
Cleidomancy - divining using a key as a pendulum, generally lowered into glass.
Cleromancy - future casting using dice (sometimes bones) 2-die system uses Y/N repetitions; and a 3-die system.
Copromancy - divination using examination of feces.
Coscinomancy - is divination from the residue of sieve or shears.
Crithomancy - divination by scorching corn or barleycorn.
Cromniomancy - divines using interpretation of the curved patterns found inside an onion.
Crystallomancy - is divination using crystals, or a Crystal Ball.
Dactylomancy - is using a persons ring as a pendulum over an inscribed circle, water cup, or body part, for health/illness (or predicting a unborn baby's sex).
Dahmo - uses arrows marked with cloths, and dropped for answering questions.
Daphnomancy - divination by the crackle of burning laurel leaves.
Dendromancy - uses the shapes and direction of smoke rising from burned oak or mistletoe.
Dereu - divining by using druid sticks, marked with dots to form runic symbol, or Y/N.
Diwa - divines by use of reactions of boards rubbed together during the inquiry.
Dogon - scatters nuts on pattern in ground and examines paw prints of jackals eating them.
Dorze - throws fowl entrails on the ground to examine patterns for prediction.
Dowsing - is uses a forked instrument or stick to find water or lost objects.
Ekwele - uses patterns and up sides of 8 tortoise shell disks loweredby chain to the ground.
Extispicy - (Commanche) water is poured into cut open animal, before viscera is examined.
Furcula - answering or receiving a wish by pulling apart the "wishbone of roasted fowl.
Futomani - (scapulimancy) uses a shoulder bone of a deer +456
Gelomancy - interpretation of the sounds of laughter.
Genethlialogy - uses the precise placement of stars at birth, to predict destiny.
Geomancy(1) - is examines earth (dirt) trickled from the hand to a surface.
Geomancy(2) - also used to examine topographical or other of Earth features for prediction.
Graphology - handwriting analysis, for character and predictions.
Gyromancy - (to circle) is uses whirling (like dervish) uses falling location.
Halomancy - is divination using salt crystals scattered on a surface for interpretation.
Haruspexopy - is divination by examining the entrails of sheep, swine & oxen. (Note: Caesar's death was predicted using Bull entrails)
Hemomancy - (scrying) looking into a drop of blood.
Hemotomancy - divination using blood typing of individuals.
Hepatoscopy - is divination by examining the liver of an animal.
Hieromancy - divines observing sacrificial remains.
Hippomancy - examines the patterns of horses hooves.
Horoscopy - is divination using a horoscope chart.
Hydatoscopy - is (scrying) using a natural body of water.
Hydromancy - uses dropping stones into a container of water and studying the ripples; and/or (scrying) looking into the still water for visions.
I-Ching - divination using TriGrams & HexGrams, constructed from tosses of sticks, each constructed symbol has a specific divinatory meaning.
Ichthyomancy - is divination using insides of fish.
Inaugurate - favorable divination from augury.
Kabbalistic Numbers - derives "hidden truths" in numeric equivalents of Hebrew language.
Kuei-pu - (plastromancy) divination using cracks in tortoise shell after roasting.
Lampadomancy - divination from looking into: the light of a lamp, or flame of a candle.
Leconomancy - is divination by observing the shapes made by oil poured on water.
Libanomancy - interprets shapes and directions from burning incense for predictions.
Lithomancy(1) - divines using the formulations made by casting stones.
Lithomancy(2) divines by (scrying), looking into jewels or polished stones.
Maculamancy - examines Blemish, or physical features compares to standards for character readings.
Margaritomancy - is divination observing a pearl in the oyster, or by casting pearls.
Mar-me-tag-pa - flame of a lamp made from ( a Yew tree set in butter) is examined on certain days of the month for predictions.
Marmotomancy - Diving the weather from the day of appearance of a Woodchuck (Groundhog Day).
Ma-yee-shang-fa - (physiognomy) divinatory Chinese face reading.
Mikuji - (god lot) uses first stick shaken from cylinder; which has a number corresponding to written message. Note: undesirable results can be avoided by tacking message to a tree.
Moleosophy - is divination using the shapes of moles on the body.
Molybdomancy - drips molten lead into cold water to form patterns for divining.
Myomancy - is divination by observing the movement patterns of mice.
Necromancy - is divining through (various forms of) communication with the dead.
Nephlomancy - (aeromancy) divining using pictures in clouds as omens.
Niso - (Japanese) (Physiognomy) divination using "the person aspect".
Numbers - uses chance occurance of numbers; as having certain focus or characteristics.
Numerology - uses NAMES, birth date & time, reduced to equivalent numbers.
Oenomancy - is divination by the appearance of poured wine.
Ogham Sticks - (marked on each side) are tossed several times to construct a rune symbol.
Oinomancy - divines using the sediment left in cups of wine.
Oinotomancy - Examines the skull of an animal particularly goat after it was boiled in wine.
Oish - uses (7) sticks, with symbols tossed in circle for predictions
OLOLygnomancy - divining examining the howling of dogs.
Oneiromancy - the oldest form of divination: by interpreting dreams.
Onomancy - causal associations with chance words, random quotations, excited utterances.
Onychomancy(1) - (palmistry) reads character ect. by examining the fingernails.
Onychomancy(2) (scrying) uses a thumbnail, coated with dark oil or colour.
Ophiomancy - divination by observing the movement and patterns of snakes.
Oniscopy - general term for divination using behavior of specific birds for prediction.
Ornithomancy - is divination by observing the flight patterns of birds.
Ouija - Board inscribed with letters and/or symbols using a slider that moves around the board. Can also be used with a pendulum for divining.
Ovomancy - 3 drops in water from a pierced egg give patterns for divination.
Palmistry - reads character, and divines, reading the lines and mounds of the hand.
Pegomancy - is (scrying) looking into a well, or sometimes fountains.
Pessomancy - is (geomancy) divination by examining tosses of small pebbles.
Phrenology - is divination (examining the brain) represented by the bumps on the skull.
Phyllomancy - divining using the shapes and lines of leaves.
Phyllorhodomancy - querant places a concave rose petal in the palm of hand and "claps" petal; results answer positive or negative questions.
Physiognomy - is divination by the physical characteristics, particularly facial.
Plastromancy - divining using markings, cracks of turtle shell (representing the universe)
Podomancy - divines using the lines shape and mounds of the foot (as in palmistry).
Psammomancy - examines sand trickled from the hand onto a surface.
Psychometry - uses extra-sensory perception from vibrations found handling an object.
Pyroscopy - uses specific analysis of the shape of the flames.
Pyromancy - is divination by looking for shapes and pictures in a fire.
Pythagorean Numbers - determines prediction of all things by their numerical equations.
Rhabdomancy - is uses a wand or divining rod, to find lost objects or point to answers.
Runes - use casting or blindly selecting objects, with divining symbols, which are interpreted.
Scapulimancy - is various divination, examining roasted shoulder blades of animals.
Scatoscopy - is divination by the examination of excrement.
Sciomancy - is a psychic interpretation from "shadows" of the deceased, or ghosts.
Scrying - is divination by looking into, water, or a mirrored or black reflective surface.
Sho-mo - (Tibet) tossing of 3 bone die, tossed into a circle from a cup.
Sideromancy - is divination by observing twisting gyrations of straw (or peas) on a hot flatiron.
Sikidy - interprets patterns of handfuls of acacia seeds tossed into 9 overlapping circles.
Skanda - divination by physiognomy of hands combined with Astrology.
Sortilege - is general term for divination through selection of items.
Speculomancy - scrying using glass or glass mirrors, )looking glass).
Spodomancy - is divination by looking at cinders from burning wood.
Squdilatc - (NativeAm) uses symbols on a board with slider selecting messages.
Stichomancy - is divination selecting random passages in books.
Sycomancy - question written on fig leaf; is divined by shape, discoloration & time drying.
Tarot - uses different layouts of various playing cards; specifically designed for divination.
Tasseography - examines tea leaves after drinking to read shapes and patterns.
Tephromancy - is divination by looking at remains of burned tree bark
Theomancy - is divination by the predictions of oracles.
Tirah - (Bedouin) divination using patterns of bird flight.
Tring-ba - uses counting from random points on a108 bead "rosary", to give divination number.
Tympana - uses a drum or tamborine wherein the vibration causes objects(beans, or rings) to settle on marked areas of circles, or symbolic pictures.
Tyromancy - uses the coagulation patterns of spoiled cheese.
Uromancy - examines urine and also divines using the direction and spray from urination.
Xylomancy - is divination by tossing bundles of dry sticks, observing the fallen patterns .
Zande - Leaves inserted in ant hill and which side is eaten first, determines Y/N answer.
Zoomancy - is divination by observing the movement and behavior of animals.
Alectromancy - uses letters inscribed in a circle, selected by rooster pecking grain.
Aleuromancy - uses coins, tokens or random messages baked in dough. (Fortune Cookie)
Amniomancy - is divination by using the membranous sac surrounding a newborn baby.
Anthropomancy - examination of human remains (particularly vital organs) for prediction.
Anthroposcopy - is divination by observing facial features.
Apanto - (to meet) finds predictive omens by meeting certain animals ect.
Apantomancy - (Babylon) by colors of dogs, wandering in palace or temple. as: Black Cat crossing path)
Arithmancy - is divination by the formulations of numbers.
Astragalomancy - interprets anklebones of sheep tossed on the ground.
Astragyromancy - bone casting of 27 bones with symbols inscribed.
Astrology - uses the placement of planets and stars at a persons time of birth and charts planetary movement throughout their lives for predictions.
Atramentamancy - (Scrying) using Ink, in a bowl, or cupped in the hand for divination.
Augury - general term for forms of divination using behavior of birds.
Auspices the collections of symbols or signs examined in augury.
Austromancy - is divination from sounds and patterns of wind.
Autonography automatic writing, done using a sliding device or planchette.
Axinomancy - balances an agate on a hot stone or axe head, divining from location it drops.
Bao - uses stopping point made during inquiry, of cylinders slid down a grooved wet board.
Baru "seeing" comes from the seer "reaching hand into a sacrificial beast".
Belomancy - is divination by observing placement of dropped sticks or arrows.
Bibliomancy - is divination by turning to random book passages.
Biorhythm - uses a chart based on cycles of fixed time periods of time from birth to demonstrate specific attributes of the individual for individual time constructs.
Bisba - uses divinatory examination of female breasts.
Bletonism - divines by observing swirling currents of water.
Botanomancy - numerous kinds of divination by using (sometimes boiled) vegetation.
Bya-rog-kyi-kad-tag-pa - (Tibet) studies direction & cawing of crows (divine messengers)
Capnomancy - uses the shapes and direction of smoke rising from burning cedar shavings.
Captromancy - uses a poppy flowerbud burn on hot coals for predictions.
Cartomancy - is divination by using ordinary playing cards.
Catoptromancy - mirror scrying to bring divinatory visions.
Causimomancy - divination using burned objects, particularly plants.
Cephalomancy - Examines the boiled skull of an animal particularly goat or Donkey.
Ceraunoscopy - study of patterns of lightning for predictions.
Ceromancy - is divination by wax dropped into water, uses traditional red candle.
Chaio-pai - tossing of Two curved bamboo blocks, for predictions.
Chalcomancy - interpreting the sounds of striking metal (particularly copper or brass bowls.
Chirognomy - is divination by the hands aspects (palmistry) following practitioner Cheiro.
Clacking - is divination from the echos of "clacking" stones together.
Clairaudience - is hearing outside the normal range (ultra frequency) sound.
Clairvoyance - receives information from extra-sensory perception.
Cledonomancy - is divination by chance remarks or events.
Cleidomancy - divining using a key as a pendulum, generally lowered into glass.
Cleromancy - future casting using dice (sometimes bones) 2-die system uses Y/N repetitions; and a 3-die system.
Copromancy - divination using examination of feces.
Coscinomancy - is divination from the residue of sieve or shears.
Crithomancy - divination by scorching corn or barleycorn.
Cromniomancy - divines using interpretation of the curved patterns found inside an onion.
Crystallomancy - is divination using crystals, or a Crystal Ball.
Dactylomancy - is using a persons ring as a pendulum over an inscribed circle, water cup, or body part, for health/illness (or predicting a unborn baby's sex).
Dahmo - uses arrows marked with cloths, and dropped for answering questions.
Daphnomancy - divination by the crackle of burning laurel leaves.
Dendromancy - uses the shapes and direction of smoke rising from burned oak or mistletoe.
Dereu - divining by using druid sticks, marked with dots to form runic symbol, or Y/N.
Diwa - divines by use of reactions of boards rubbed together during the inquiry.
Dogon - scatters nuts on pattern in ground and examines paw prints of jackals eating them.
Dorze - throws fowl entrails on the ground to examine patterns for prediction.
Dowsing - is uses a forked instrument or stick to find water or lost objects.
Ekwele - uses patterns and up sides of 8 tortoise shell disks loweredby chain to the ground.
Extispicy - (Commanche) water is poured into cut open animal, before viscera is examined.
Furcula - answering or receiving a wish by pulling apart the "wishbone of roasted fowl.
Futomani - (scapulimancy) uses a shoulder bone of a deer +456
Gelomancy - interpretation of the sounds of laughter.
Genethlialogy - uses the precise placement of stars at birth, to predict destiny.
Geomancy(1) - is examines earth (dirt) trickled from the hand to a surface.
Geomancy(2) - also used to examine topographical or other of Earth features for prediction.
Graphology - handwriting analysis, for character and predictions.
Gyromancy - (to circle) is uses whirling (like dervish) uses falling location.
Halomancy - is divination using salt crystals scattered on a surface for interpretation.
Haruspexopy - is divination by examining the entrails of sheep, swine & oxen. (Note: Caesar's death was predicted using Bull entrails)
Hemomancy - (scrying) looking into a drop of blood.
Hemotomancy - divination using blood typing of individuals.
Hepatoscopy - is divination by examining the liver of an animal.
Hieromancy - divines observing sacrificial remains.
Hippomancy - examines the patterns of horses hooves.
Horoscopy - is divination using a horoscope chart.
Hydatoscopy - is (scrying) using a natural body of water.
Hydromancy - uses dropping stones into a container of water and studying the ripples; and/or (scrying) looking into the still water for visions.
I-Ching - divination using TriGrams & HexGrams, constructed from tosses of sticks, each constructed symbol has a specific divinatory meaning.
Ichthyomancy - is divination using insides of fish.
Inaugurate - favorable divination from augury.
Kabbalistic Numbers - derives "hidden truths" in numeric equivalents of Hebrew language.
Kuei-pu - (plastromancy) divination using cracks in tortoise shell after roasting.
Lampadomancy - divination from looking into: the light of a lamp, or flame of a candle.
Leconomancy - is divination by observing the shapes made by oil poured on water.
Libanomancy - interprets shapes and directions from burning incense for predictions.
Lithomancy(1) - divines using the formulations made by casting stones.
Lithomancy(2) divines by (scrying), looking into jewels or polished stones.
Maculamancy - examines Blemish, or physical features compares to standards for character readings.
Margaritomancy - is divination observing a pearl in the oyster, or by casting pearls.
Mar-me-tag-pa - flame of a lamp made from ( a Yew tree set in butter) is examined on certain days of the month for predictions.
Marmotomancy - Diving the weather from the day of appearance of a Woodchuck (Groundhog Day).
Ma-yee-shang-fa - (physiognomy) divinatory Chinese face reading.
Mikuji - (god lot) uses first stick shaken from cylinder; which has a number corresponding to written message. Note: undesirable results can be avoided by tacking message to a tree.
Moleosophy - is divination using the shapes of moles on the body.
Molybdomancy - drips molten lead into cold water to form patterns for divining.
Myomancy - is divination by observing the movement patterns of mice.
Necromancy - is divining through (various forms of) communication with the dead.
Nephlomancy - (aeromancy) divining using pictures in clouds as omens.
Niso - (Japanese) (Physiognomy) divination using "the person aspect".
Numbers - uses chance occurance of numbers; as having certain focus or characteristics.
Numerology - uses NAMES, birth date & time, reduced to equivalent numbers.
Oenomancy - is divination by the appearance of poured wine.
Ogham Sticks - (marked on each side) are tossed several times to construct a rune symbol.
Oinomancy - divines using the sediment left in cups of wine.
Oinotomancy - Examines the skull of an animal particularly goat after it was boiled in wine.
Oish - uses (7) sticks, with symbols tossed in circle for predictions
OLOLygnomancy - divining examining the howling of dogs.
Oneiromancy - the oldest form of divination: by interpreting dreams.
Onomancy - causal associations with chance words, random quotations, excited utterances.
Onychomancy(1) - (palmistry) reads character ect. by examining the fingernails.
Onychomancy(2) (scrying) uses a thumbnail, coated with dark oil or colour.
Ophiomancy - divination by observing the movement and patterns of snakes.
Oniscopy - general term for divination using behavior of specific birds for prediction.
Ornithomancy - is divination by observing the flight patterns of birds.
Ouija - Board inscribed with letters and/or symbols using a slider that moves around the board. Can also be used with a pendulum for divining.
Ovomancy - 3 drops in water from a pierced egg give patterns for divination.
Palmistry - reads character, and divines, reading the lines and mounds of the hand.
Pegomancy - is (scrying) looking into a well, or sometimes fountains.
Pessomancy - is (geomancy) divination by examining tosses of small pebbles.
Phrenology - is divination (examining the brain) represented by the bumps on the skull.
Phyllomancy - divining using the shapes and lines of leaves.
Phyllorhodomancy - querant places a concave rose petal in the palm of hand and "claps" petal; results answer positive or negative questions.
Physiognomy - is divination by the physical characteristics, particularly facial.
Plastromancy - divining using markings, cracks of turtle shell (representing the universe)
Podomancy - divines using the lines shape and mounds of the foot (as in palmistry).
Psammomancy - examines sand trickled from the hand onto a surface.
Psychometry - uses extra-sensory perception from vibrations found handling an object.
Pyroscopy - uses specific analysis of the shape of the flames.
Pyromancy - is divination by looking for shapes and pictures in a fire.
Pythagorean Numbers - determines prediction of all things by their numerical equations.
Rhabdomancy - is uses a wand or divining rod, to find lost objects or point to answers.
Runes - use casting or blindly selecting objects, with divining symbols, which are interpreted.
Scapulimancy - is various divination, examining roasted shoulder blades of animals.
Scatoscopy - is divination by the examination of excrement.
Sciomancy - is a psychic interpretation from "shadows" of the deceased, or ghosts.
Scrying - is divination by looking into, water, or a mirrored or black reflective surface.
Sho-mo - (Tibet) tossing of 3 bone die, tossed into a circle from a cup.
Sideromancy - is divination by observing twisting gyrations of straw (or peas) on a hot flatiron.
Sikidy - interprets patterns of handfuls of acacia seeds tossed into 9 overlapping circles.
Skanda - divination by physiognomy of hands combined with Astrology.
Sortilege - is general term for divination through selection of items.
Speculomancy - scrying using glass or glass mirrors, )looking glass).
Spodomancy - is divination by looking at cinders from burning wood.
Squdilatc - (NativeAm) uses symbols on a board with slider selecting messages.
Stichomancy - is divination selecting random passages in books.
Sycomancy - question written on fig leaf; is divined by shape, discoloration & time drying.
Tarot - uses different layouts of various playing cards; specifically designed for divination.
Tasseography - examines tea leaves after drinking to read shapes and patterns.
Tephromancy - is divination by looking at remains of burned tree bark
Theomancy - is divination by the predictions of oracles.
Tirah - (Bedouin) divination using patterns of bird flight.
Tring-ba - uses counting from random points on a108 bead "rosary", to give divination number.
Tympana - uses a drum or tamborine wherein the vibration causes objects(beans, or rings) to settle on marked areas of circles, or symbolic pictures.
Tyromancy - uses the coagulation patterns of spoiled cheese.
Uromancy - examines urine and also divines using the direction and spray from urination.
Xylomancy - is divination by tossing bundles of dry sticks, observing the fallen patterns .
Zande - Leaves inserted in ant hill and which side is eaten first, determines Y/N answer.
Zoomancy - is divination by observing the movement and behavior of animals.